Have a mamba mentality
During LegUp Health’s 2023 annual offsite, we adopted a new value of “Have a Mamba Mentality.” After talking about what went well and what didn’t in 2022, we realized we were acting too scared and worried about failing the previous year. We agreed we lacked the overconfidence and the competitiveness that entrepreneurial success requires.
“Have a Mamba Mentality” is all about reminding ourselves that we have earned the confidence to believe the following:
Our combined decades of hard work in the employee benefits industry make us the most knowledgeable and capable team.
There will be ups and downs, and it won’t always be easy, but we know we will win eventually.
Nothing will get in our way; nothing will stop us from succeeding.
We will outwork (and out-service) the competition.
We will hold a bias toward action versus overthinking an idea.
Whatever we want to do, we will put our minds to it and do it.
We are ok with hearing a “no” today because it means “not now” and that, eventually, it will become a “maybe” or “yes.”
[1] The Mamba Mentality refers to Kobe Bryant (who was nicked named “The Black Mamba”) and the mental approach he took to the game of basketball.
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