I stumbled across this lesser-known Clayton Christensen article when I was rewriting my notes on his famous article, How Will You Measure Your Life? It discusses four types of tools for cooperation and when it’s appropriate to wield each type.
Read MoreI rediscovered this article as part of my research on regret minimization. I’ve followed Clayton Christensen’s work for years and will continue to revisit it over the rest of my life. I also enjoyed watching his son, Matt Christensen, play basketball when he played for the Duke Blue Devils. He was a beast. Here are my notes from a timeless article.
Read MoreI hold tremendous respect for Nathan Barry and his approach to entrepreneurship. I decided to take notes on his ladder-based approach to wealth building to make sure I understand his point about treating money-making as a skill.
Read MoreI review this essay by George Orwell whenever I need a simple reminder on how to improve the clarity of my writing. I’ve put together these notes on the key takeaways to make them easier to revisit. George Orwell was an incredible writer. I hope you find these notes useful.
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